Q: Even though I generated disclosures, why did the LE Sent date not update on Disclosure Tracking?
A: After issuing disclosures, it can take a couple minutes for that data to appear on Disclosure Tracking. Make sure to exit the loan after disclosing so the system can update correctly. If your disclosure status still does not change, please contact your Account Executive to assist.
Q: Are all required state disclosures included in the disclosure package?
A: JMAC certifies the compliance of the disclosure package and ensures that all required state disclosures are included.
Q: Why does my disclosure show a different Loan Officer than the one I assigned?
A: If you are using the disclosure generator, the Loan Officer that will be disclosed is listed on Information for Government Monitoring -> Loan Originator Information. This may a different Loan Officer than the Loan Officer assigned.
Q: Will I be able to print the signed copies of the Initial Disclosure package?
A: Yes. Once all parties have signed, the individual disclosures will be available in Documents.
Signing Disclosures
Q: My borrowers don’t have access to email or don’t want to e-sign. Can I provide wet-signed disclosures at submission?
A. Absolutely! We send the initial disclosure package as e-sign for yours and your borrowers’ convenience, but we will also accept wet-signed disclosures.
Q: The borrowers didn’t receive the email for e-sign. How can I resend the link?
A: Contact our Disclosure Desk at disclosures@jmaclending.com to request the link for borrower esign.
Q: The loan officer didn’t receive the email for e-sign. How can I resend the link?
A: The loan officer can access their portion of the eSign within the loan under the eSign tab.
Q: I accidentally sent the initial disclosures to wrong email address. How do I send out a revised version?
A: Contact our Disclosure Desk at disclosures@jmaclending.com to request whether we can resend the initial disclosure package to the correct email address(s).
Q: I accidentally sent the wrong information in the initial disclosures. How do I send out a revised version?
A: The initial disclosures are binding and we may need to cancel the file. Please contact your Account Manager or Account Executive for more information on the options you can take.
Q: Can I track which parties have completed their portion of the eSign?
A: You can find this information on the eSign tab. When hovering over a document, you'll be presented with information on which parties have completed the eSign.
Q: Even though all parties have signed disclosures, why did the LE Received date not update on Disclosure Tracking?
A: After issuing disclosures, it can take a couple minutes for that data to appear on Disclosure Tracking. Make sure to exit the loan after disclosing so the system can update correctly. If your disclosure status still does not change, please contact your Account Executive to assist.
Q: Even though all parties have signed disclosures, why did the eSign and eConsent Tracking not update with dates?
A: Unfortunately, there is currently a bug with Encompass and the portal. They're working on getting this resolved as soon as possible.
Q: Even though all parties have signed disclosures, why can't I submit?
A: There may be additional 1003 fields for submission, which will appear as a pop-up message. Additionally, it will take a couple minutes for that data to sync with JMAC Connect when you sign the disclosures. If your disclosure status still does not change, please contact your Account Executive to assist with your submission request.
Q: How can I submit if all parties wet sign the disclosures instead of esigning?
A: Upload your signed disclosure to Documents and contact our Disclosure Desk at disclosures@jmaclending.com to add the received dates, so you can submit.
Change of Circumstance
Q: Can I send out a COC Loan Estimate or Initial CD from the Disclosure Generator?
A: No, the Disclosure Generator is only for Initial Disclosures. The process for COC Loan Estimates and Initial CDs will stay the same.
Q: How can I request a COC?
A: There is a Change of Circumstance form available within the loan. To learn more, read Requesting a Change of Circumstance.
Q: Why can't I submit a COC? Why is the COC button greyed out?
A: If you have recently requested COC, the button will not be available until those changes are disclosed. If lender triggers a COC by confirming your lock or correcting the Appraise Value, you also won't be able to request a COC until those changes are disclosed.
Q: After requesting COC, will the underwriter review my request?
A: If you request a change that requires underwriting review like a loan amount change or program change, the Disclosure Desk will make the changes and issue your COC disclosures. Within 24-48 hours, the underwriter will review the changes and issue an new Approval if necessary. They may contact you if there are any issues with your request.
Closing Disclosure
Q: When can I request for initial Closing Disclosure?
A: You will receive an email with the closing disclosure link when your loan is locked, approved, and the appraisal has been ordered.
Q: What happens if the borrowers don't consent electronically on the Closing Disclosure?
A: If the borrowers do not consent electronically, there is a 6-day waiting period required before Loan Docs.
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