Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Will I be able to access my Funded loans.
A: No, funded loans will not be available with your pipeline. We are planning to release Multi-Factor Authentication and allow accessing funded loans for period of time.
Q: Where can I see important dates?
A: When open a loan, there are two menus: Activity and Workflow. Select Workflow to see a list of important milestones throughout your loan.
Q: When creating users, should I select Corr Loan Officer, Corr Loan Processor, Corr Secondary, and Corr Post-Closer when creating wholesale accounts?
A: Do not select any of Correspondent personas that begin with "Corr" for wholesale users.
Q: Why is there a Reporting tab in the main menu?
A: Reporting are reports created with specific filters. They are not pipelines that allow you to open loans. You can download a report summarizing your current active loans or funded loans within the last 60 days.
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