Creating Your Loan
From the main navigation, click Add New Loan.
You will choose whether to manually create your loan or import an existing MISMO 3.4 file. If importing, you can Drag and Drop or Click to Browse for the MISMO file. Click Next to review the loan creation summary.
You will can review your loan creation data and click Save to confirm.
If any additional information is required, an error will appear requesting for the missing information. Enter the JMAC to issue your disclosures and Save.
IMPORTANT: You can always change your answer after saving, but different milestones and validation rules will be applied accordingly.
On the loan creation summary, you will need to click Save again to create your loan.
Your loan will open to the URLA application information. On the Additional Information, you can change whether JMAC will be disclosing, Y and N.
IMPORTANT: If you will be generating your own disclosures, please make sure that your fees match our disclosure generator and validate your Loan Estimate by referencing our Loan Estimate EXAMPLE.
Reviewing your URLA
Once your loan is created, review and complete your 1003 on the URLA tab. To edit the borrower pair on the existing 1003, you can click pencil icon next to borrower pair.
To add an additional 1003, you can click pencil icon to add borrower pair.
On Lender Loan Information, you can review your property information as well as the Homeownership Education and Housing Counseling questions.
On Real Estate, remove any blank REOs since it will cause problems with running AUS.
On Information for Government Monitoring, review and complete all declarations, demographic, military service, language preference, and loan originator licensing information.
IMPORTANT: The 1003 Application Date must be within 3 days when requesting lender generated disclosures.
Importing Additional Information
If your MISMO 3.4 file is incorrect or outdated, you can import an updated file by clicking Import Additional Data from Loan Actions.
IMPORTANT: You can only import prior to lock request, disclosure request, and submission request.
Select which fields you would like to import
- Import all fields imports all of the available data within the MISMO 3.4 file into the loan. This option will erase all of the pre-existing data in the loan file that is not listed within the MISMO 3.4 file and imports all the fields including blank fields.
- Import only non-blank fields imports all of the available data within the MISMO 3.4 file into the loan. This option will retain all the pre-existing data in the loan file that is not listed within the MISMO 3.4 file and imports only the non-blank fields.
Select what existing information you would like to retain.
- Delete existing lists before importing erases all pre-existing data listed within Employer History, Assets, and Liability lists before importing new data from the MISMO 3.4 file.
- Add to existing lists imports all the assets and liability data within the imported MISMO 3.4, appending it to the loan's pre-existing data.
You can Drag and Drop or Click to Browse the new MISMO file and click Import to review the loan creation summary.
What's Next
To learn more about pricing and registering your loan, please read Step 2: Registering Your Loan.
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