Understanding Pipeline Categories
Your loans are organized into filtered categories.
Active Loans: All loans from Submitted to Funded
Locked Loans: All locked loans
Initial Disclosures Requested: All loans with an outstanding initial disclosure request
Loan Changes Requested: All loans with outstanding an change of circumstance request
Submission Review: All loans with a submission request but not yet submitted
Underwriting: All loans submitted to underwriting or with pending outstanding conditions that are not suspended
Condition Review: All loans with an outstanding condition review request
Suspended Loans: All suspended loans
Clear to Close: All loans that have been cleared to close
Docs: All loans that are being prepared for Docs, have Docs sent, or have received Docs back
Adverse Loans: All loans with an outstanding withdraw request
Your loans can appear in multiple categories. For example, a suspended loan could appear in Active Loan, Suspended Loans, Locked Loans, and Loan Changes Requested if it meet all the parameters.
If you know the borrower name or loan number, you can always search for it without selecting a category.
Otherwise, you can click a category to open that loan pipeline.
The loan pipeline always displays the same columns regardless of category.
You can temporarily sort the pipeline by clicking any of the columns names. An up or down arrow will appear showing whether it's sorting in ascending or descending order.
You can temporarily re-arrange the columns if needed. Hover over the column, click the eight dots to select the column, and drag the column where desired.
You can search within the columns for a keep word or number. For example, you can search for the term "Incomplete" in the TPO Connect Status to find any outstanding disclosure or submission files.
Hover over the column, click the magnifying glass to select the column, type the key term, and click Enter.
Double-click on the loan to open it for review.
Loan Summary
On the Loan Summary, you can view an overview of the loan details, the loan status, the lock status, the borrower credit details, and the property details.
From the loan navigation, click the Workflow tab to review key dates on the loan file. Click Activities to return to the Loan Summary.
Click Disclosure Tracking to review all the disclosure details for sent and received dates.
Reporting Views
The second method for viewing your pipeline is through Reporting. Reports allow for displaying a wider range of fields and can be more specific with their criteria.
Pending Submission: All loans prior to submission that may be pending disclosures or submission request or may be incomplete for disclosures or submission
Active Loans: All loans from Submitted to Funded/Purchased
Approved Loans with 5 or Fewer Conditions: All approved loans with 5 or less conditions in order to be cleared to close
Lock Expiring: All loans with a lock expiring in the next 7 days
CD Ready to Order: All loans that are approved and locked with the appraisal ordered, so you can submit the Doc & CD Order form for initial CD
Purchase Contract Expires (COE) < 7 Days: All loans that have a COE date expiring in the next 7 days
Funded & Purchased Loans: All loans funded or purchased in the last 60 days
IMPORTANT: Reporting view are reports. They do not allow you to open the loan. You can copy the loan number and search within your pipeline. Funded or Purchased loans will not be available with your pipeline.
Click Reporting from the top navigation.
Click the down arrow to expand the report options, and choose a report.
Only loans that met the report's criteria.
You can temporarily sort the report by clicking any of the columns names. An up or down arrow will appear showing whether it's sorting in ascending or descending order.
You can temporarily re-arrange the columns if needed. Hover over the column, click the eight dots to select the column, and drag the column where desired.
You can search within the columns for a keep word or number. For example, you can search for the term "Incomplete" in the TPO Connect Status to find any outstanding disclosure or submission files.
Hover over the column, click the magnifying glass to select the column, type the key term, and click Enter.
If you would like to open the loan, double click on the loan number, Ctrl+C or right click copy the data, click Pipeline from the top navigation, and paste it into the search.
IMPORTANT: Funded loans will not be available with your pipeline.
What's Next
For any questions about pipelines, loans, and reporting views, contact your Account Executive or Account Manager.
To learn about wholesale loan statuses, read Defining Wholesale Loan Status.
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