If you received a secured email from a JMAC Lending Team Member, similar to the screenshot below but you are not able to access your account, please follow these instructions carefully.
Requesting a Password Reset
Click on the link in your email as shown above, which will take you to the Secure Email Portal Password.
Enter your email address and click the "Reset Password" button.
IMPORTANT: You must enter the email address that you received the original encrypted/secured email.
You will receive confirmation that your password reset request was successful.
Resetting Your Password
You should receive an email with the subject line "Secure Messaging Password Reset Confirmation". Click the link in your email to start the password reset.
If you don’t see the email in your Inbox, check your Spam, Junk or Trash folders. To prevent these types of notifications from JMAC Lending ending up in these folders, please whitelist emails from our domain, jmaclending.com.
Fill in the New Password and Confirm Password fields, then click Confirm.
The password must meet the following criteria:
A. Password length must be a minimum of 8 characters
B. Must include at least 1 lower case alphanumeric character (ex. a-z)
C. Must include at least 1 upper case alphanumeric character (ex. A-Z)
D. Must include at least 1 numeric character (ex. 0-9)
E. Must not be a previously used password
The password reset is complete! You will need to enter your email address and new password to log in and view your secure emails.
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