Releasing Loan to Sponsoring Lender
To release a loan to a sponsoring lender, please review the FannieMae article, Releasing Loan to Sponsoring Lender.
Adding JMAC as Sponsoring Lender
To transfer your Desktop Originator (DO), you will need to add JMAC Lending, Inc. as a sponsoring lender. You must be sponsored by at least one lender to complete this request.
Go to Fannie Mae Desktop Originator website, click Add New Sponsoring Lender Relationships from the DO Sponsoring Lender Resources section.
After logging into your DO, click Select Additional Sponsoring Lenders to select JMAC Lending, Inc. from the index.
Next, you will need to enter the e-mail address of, and then indicate how you were referred to JMAC Lending, Inc.
Once you have confirmed your selection, Fannie Mae will send your request to our Client Relations Manager, who will approve the relationship immediately. FannieMae will add JMAC Lending, Inc. to your sponsoring lender within 24 hours of our approval.
For a step-by-step tutorial to requesting DO sponsorship, read Fannie Mae's Requesting Additional Sponsorship Tutorial.
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