Ordering/Reissuing Credit
Click Credit / Dual AUS and click Order Credit.
Select the Borrower Pair, Credit Provider, Order Type, Request Type, and Report Type. Complete the Reference Number field if you are reissuing credit.
Complete the User Name, Password and Client ID fields and click Order Credit. Depending on your credit company, these options may be different.
Optional: Complete the Reference Number field if you are reissuing credit and click Re-Issue Credit.
IMPORTANT: You must order credit for all borrower pairs before AUS order can be placed.
Once credit has been ordered, you can append liabilities by clicking on Append Liabilities or delete and replace existing liabilities by clicking on Delete and Replace Liabilities. Click Import to continue.
Running Dual AUS
Click Credit / Dual AUS and click Order Underwriting.
The system will run a data validation check for any missing information. You can review and update any missing fields here by clicking on the arrow on the left hand side to expand the category. Once all the data has been completed, click Proceed to Order Dual AUS.
IMPORTANT: You can run just DU or LPA by selecting the corresponding option.
If you have already ordered/reissued credit, you'll be able to skip directly to the Enter Underwriting Details by clicking Proceed to Underwriting Details.
Complete the necessary fields for DU and LPA and click Submit.
IMPORTANT: You can choose to run only DU or LP by checking/unchecking the corresponding boxes.
Click on the PDF under Certificate Details to view the AUS findings.
What's Next
If you have not issued disclosures, please read Step 3: Generating Your Initial Disclosures (C).
If you have already issued and signed your disclosures, please read Step 4: Submitting Your Loan (C).
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