Archiving Your Loan
To clear your pipeline, you can archive your loan anytime prior to sending initial disclosures or requesting submission.
From your pipeline, select the checkbox of the loan and click the Archive button.
IMPORTANT: Your loan status will not change when you request to archival, but the loan will be removed from your active pipelines.
Withdrawing Your Loan
From Loan Started to Funded, you will can request a loan withdrawal.
Within the loan, click Withdraw Loan from the Loan Actions.
Enter a reason for the withdraw and click Update.
IMPORTANT: Your loan status will not change when you request a withdrawal, but the loan will be removed from your active pipelines.
What's Next
When an archive or withdraw is requested, the loan will no longer appear in your active pipelines. They can only be accessed in Adversed Loans.
Adversed loans includes any loan pending archival or pending withdrawal. It will also include any loans that have been withdrawn or denied. Once a loan is archived, it will no longer appear in any pipeline.
For loan archival requests, we do not send any adverse action certificate to the borrower.
For withdrawals, our Underwriting Assistants will review your withdrawal request and verify the reasons for withdraw. They will contact the Loan Officer and Processor regarding any issues.
Please allow 7 to 10 business days for our Underwriting Assistants to mail the adverse action certificate to the borrower(s).
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