An FHA Case Number is required prior to submission. After registration, you can request for the creation or retrieval of an existing FHA Case Number.
Requesting an FHA Case Number
Once your loan is registered, you can request a new or transfer an existing case number by hovering over Wholesale in the top navigation and clicking FHA Case Request from the dropdown. You will need to upload the signed and dated 1003 to the online form.
Complete the information on the form and click Submit.
Requesting an FHA Case Number for an FHA Condo that is Not Approved
If your property is not already an approved FHA Condo project, you will need the following sections of the HUD-9991 form completed and uploaded with your FHA Case Number Request form.
On the first page, since the property is NOT approved, you have to input the Lender Loan Number. Section 1: Mortgagee Information, will already be pre-filled.
Next you will have to complete Section 2 (2.a & 2.b).
In Section 2.a.Condominium Project, you will need to complete all of the fields. This includes the Legal Name of Project, FHA Condo Approval ID Number, Street Address, City, State, and Zip code.
After you have completed 2.a, then you will need to complete section 2.b. Condominium Association. This includes the Condominium Association Name, Association Tax ID Number, Street Address, City, State, Zip Code, Phone Number, Association Contact Name, Email Address, and Fax Number.
Lastly, on page 2, you will need to complete the field Total Number of Units in the Condominium Project. Once all these fields are complete, you can upload the form as an attachment to the FHA Case Number Request form.
What's Next
Our government team will review the documentation provided to pull the FHA Case Number. They will contact the Loan Officer and Processor regarding any errors or compliance issues.
Once the FHA Case Number has been pulled, our government team will contact the Loan Officer and Processor that they can now submit.
If the initial Loan Estimate has not been sent, continue to Step 3: Generating Your Initial Disclosures.
If the Initial Loan Estimate has been sent, continue to Step 4: Submitting Your Loan.
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